With our aim of finding a cure for diseases through medical research, the Lions Medical Research Foundation has supported researchers for breakthrough medical discoveries since 1963. Over the years, we have assisted many researchers by providing them with much-needed funding. From this research, crucial discoveries have contributed significantly to the development of treatments for different diseases. Previous medical research for various fields has already been conducted with assistance from our funding. Some of these fields include cancer therapies, immunology, toxicology, kidney diseases and diabetes. In 2019, we awarded a fellowship to Dr Olivia Holland to support her medical research on gestational diabetes.
What is gestational diabetes?
According to the Diabetes Australia website, gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that may occur within 24 to 28 weeks into pregnancy. It also states that a diagnosis of gestational diabetes is made when a woman has higher levels of glucose during her pregnancy.
Recent statistics show that about 13% of pregnant women in Australia develop gestational diabetes. Some of these women do not exhibit any signs or symptoms, so the disease is typically discovered only during routine check-ups. After giving birth, a woman’s blood glucose usually returns to its normal levels. However, some women continue to have higher glucose levels after giving birth and even develop Type 2 diabetes later. Studies also show that babies with mothers who develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy may end up developing the same risks for diabetes.
Medical research around gestational diabetes
To help find advanced treatments for gestational diabetes, the Lions Medical Research Foundation has provided Dr Olivia Holland a fellowship. Dr Holland is an expert in the fields of reproductive health, pregnancy and gestational diabetes, among many other areas. She is also a widely published author in this field and has received awards and recognitions for her significant contribution to medical research.
As one of our current researchers, Dr Holland is conducting medical research focused on gestational diabetes and how it contributes to the increase in adult diabetes rates. She also contributes to finding ways of improving the health conditions of both the mother and child during pregnancy. Dr Olivia Holland is passionate about establishing the link between placental mitochondrial function and diabetes through her medical research. With her medical research, we can expect to create advanced discoveries and treatments for a life-threatening disease such as gestational diabetes.
How Lions Medical Research Foundation can help
The Lions Medical Research Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing funding for medical research to improve the health conditions in Australia and around the world. Over the years, we have awarded fellowships intending to create significant improvements in the lives of many people. Here at Lions Medical Research Foundation, we are committed to finding breakthrough medical treatments in the future. You can help us make a difference when it comes to funding for medical research into diabetes and various diseases. Donate online or get in touch with our friendly team in Brisbane today.